Right vs. Wrong

Common Sense

Right and Wrong are diametrically opposed opposites that exist in nature. These concepts do not exist as constructs within the human mind, they are objective. Morality is entirely to do with the distinction between Right and Wrong behavior. Knowing this distinction is tantamount to having true Common Sense because the definition of Common Sense is to truly know the difference between Right and Wrong behavior.

The word Right by itself has two seperate meanings. For example in Math if you were to give the solution of four when solving the simple equation of two plus two then you would be Right. In this context the word Right can be defined as correct or based in Truth. Additionally, using the apophatic approach of seeking knowledge through negation, we can obtain the second meaning. If someone were to steal from you then you would say that action was Wrong. So we can know that Right being the opposite of Wrong has a moral component. Therefore Right can also mean Moral, or in harmony with Natural Law. Natural Law in this context simply means to treat others the way you would want to be treated. Or put apophatically, do NOT treat others the way you would NOT want to be treated.

Putting this all together we get that the word Right means Correct and Moral. Correct, meaning in alignment with that which is true and moral, meaning in harmony with Natural Law. Therefore, we can define Right as follows:


A Right is an action that does not result in harm to other sentient beings

Rights Are Universal

Knowing the definition of Right means that you now know the Rights of Human Beings. If an action is based in truth and does not harm others then it is a God given Natural Right. This means that every single human being on this planet has the exact same Rights. Not one person has one more Right than another human being and not one person has one less Right than another human being. To think that anybody anywhere on the planet has more or less rights is a logical fallacy. Knowing the difference between objective Right and Wrong is the key to understanding true Equality because Rights are universal and therefore the exact same for every human being on Earth.

The above post was adapted from a talk given by Mark Passio. If you found this article interesting and would like to share a comment with me, please feel free to reach out to me directly via my personal email at (drew@drewredifer.com).

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