
Drew's Web-Based Feed Aggregator

Now hosted locally as a service. I have created an instance of Yarr that is up and running, fully self hosted on my server. The utility can be reached here: rss.drewredifer.com. RSS aggregators are the tool you should be using if you want to stay up to date with many different websites. Rather than visiting the web page directly you can follow the websites RSS feed and you will be notified when a new article is published. RSS aggregators render news aggregating applications and websites pointless and are better because they are not curated to push agendas and targeted news articles.

In the past I have used online RSS aggregators like feedly. Feedly is still a popular option but you are giving whoever runs feedly a curated list of the websites you are interested in. Also, they use a pay wall if you want to add folders to organize your feeds. I have also used RSS aggregators over email programs, for example Thunderbird has a decent built in tool. If you want the most efficient and private RSS aggregator then you are best off using newsboat.

What is Yarr?

Yarr (yet another rss reader) is a web-based feed aggregator which can be used both as a desktop application and a personal self-hosted server. I am using it as a personal self-hosted server which is nice because I can access the websites I care about from any device so long as it has a connection to the internet.


For further information on how I setup Yarr consult the following resources:

If you found this article interesting and would like to share a comment with me, please feel free to reach out to me directly via my personal email at (drew@drewredifer.com).

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