
Generate Atom or RSS feeds

In the sprit of building my own platform I created an instance of RSS-Bridge today and it is up and running, fully self hosted on my server. You can reach the utility here:

What is RSS-Bridge?

RSS-Bridge is free and open source software for generating Atom or RSS feeds from websites which don't have one. RSS-Bridge is not a feed reader or feed aggregator, but a tool to generate feeds that are consumed by feed readers and feed aggregators. The RSS-Bridge project aims at sites that:

RSS-Bridge will generate feeds based on "bridges" that are developed for any site. Those bridges will collect data and extract all necessary informatin which is then converted into various feed formats like Atom or RSS. The project strives to reconnect the Web and the contributors are very passionate about their cause.


For further information on how I setup RSS-Bridge consult these resources:

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